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How do I as a real estate investor launch a QOF and bring in capital?

I am an experienced real estate investor and rehabber on the ground in OZs searching for properties in Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and Georgia that would be good for small-scale developments in areas with strong job markets. I would be an ideal candidate for starting an OZ fund and would be putting my own capital gains in it. How do I navigating the process of becoming a QOF and also on bringing in capital?

  • Matt Campbell
    March 16, 2021

    You should create a Reg CF or Reg D 506(b) or (c) offering and hire an attorney to help you launch your fund.

  • Matthew Rappaport
    March 18, 2021

    You should retain counsel and an accounting firm experienced in OZs. They will set up entities for you and draft the necessary documents. You will need a Private Placement Memorandum and a pitch deck, which sophisticated investors will expect from you when you raise capital. In my experience, the venture will have a better chance at success if you can identify specific properties you'll be purchasing and developing, rather than approaching investors with a general philosophy but not any concrete ideas yet.


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